We live in the Age of Information; the Age of the smartphone. An age in which the activities of almost every citizen are monitored by sources both public and private – including your own cell phone, debit cards and credit cards.
Some examples we may not care to think about, but as a Massachusetts criminal defense lawyer, I can assure you of the following: Your vehicle is tracked by video cameras run by government – local, state and federal government agencies –at intersections, on the Massachusetts Turnpike, and many highways. Your own smart phone monitors your locations, tracking you wherever you go and whenever you go. Numerous apps that you might use on your phone also – perhaps unbeknownst to you – track your movements and location. When you are stopped at roadside by a police officer, an increasing number of police cruisers record the stop on both video and audio, via either dash-cameras or body cameras. When you pay for a product at a store with a debit or credit card, that card also tracks where you were, and when. Your movements inside the store are recorded by video cameras. Your movements outside the store are also being video recorded. Continue reading